Not all of the artists avoided traditional artistic
materials. By carving in Indiana limestone, Toronto-based Laura Moore was
assuring that her life-size, as it were, sculptures of outmoded bulky hard
drives and monitors entitled “One Man’s Junk” would have a certain immortality.
There was something monumental about her works – these sculptures are certainly
monumentally heavy – but something funereal as well about this work too as
headstones are often carved in limestone. Consider that these sculptures that pay homage
to the brief era of personal computers—a mere blip in historical terms—are made
out of material that just might last for millennia. Is this trash or treasure
for a future archaeologist?
Erie, PN.-based Suzanne Proulx’s “Dust Bunnies” are really,
really out-of-the-box material-wise. These
bunny-shaped and bunny-sized sculptures are quite literally made out of dust bunnies
(and dryer lint). This work is funny,
but it also raises serious and profound questions…. I mean, seriously, how would
such work survive the trip home if you were to purchase it? You’d probably have better luck, though,
transporting her series of four “Cow Skull,” sculptures assembled with material
from plastic milk jugs so that they resemble actual cow skulls.
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